Horses Sold
Prairierose Ranchs Miss Congeniality
 "Matilda" is a beautiful black filly out of 2 silver dapple parents. Born 5/27/11. She will stay small. Has been handled daily since she was born, haltered, wormed, and is good for the farrier. AMHA and AMHR paperwork. A good home is a must. Would make a good show horse or broodmare in the future. Would make a perfect horse for first time horse owners, kids, or anyone who will love her as much as we do.  She has been sold to Marsha W. of Mansfield, TX.
Beautiful sorrel mare with a small star on her face.  This is a nice leggy mare with large expressive eyes.  She is such a sweetheart!  She has been sold to Harry V. from Joshua, TX.